I will never forget the day that I found out that I was pregnant. I had been anticipating that day for a while, even though we really had only been trying for a couple months. I thought that it would take me a while to get pregnant, so the day I found out I was shocked. I didn't realize that we were so fertile together:)
The day I found out I was pregnant I had this really weird feeling all day. I felt really bloated and emotional and just kind of off. Around five thirty that day I decided to take a pregnancy test just to see if what I was feeling was true. I wish I had waited until six when Tyson got home from work because that whole half an hour after I saw the positive pregnancy sign I was shocked. I just sat on the couch stunned that I was pregnant. I didn't believe it. I just kept staring at the test in awe. I sent Tyson a picture of the test but he was too busy and didn't even get a chance to see the picture until he got home from work. He was very calm and happy with the news. He has been very calm the whole pregnancy. He doesn't really freak out about anything. He really has been my rock through this very emotional and physically demanding journey. He is so good to me and always puts me first. I am such a lucky girl, and Amelia is so lucky to have such a great man as her father. I cant imagine going through this with anyone else.

The first trimester of my pregnancy was very emotional for me. I had a lot of doubts about my ability to be a mother and even my bodies ability to be pregnant. I have always felt that my body is physically weak and I was worried about how my body would handle pregnancy. I have always wanted my baby and I was so excited to be becoming a mom, but I had a lot of self doubt about my abilities to be a good mom, and I still kind of do. I was not to sick during the first trimester which was nice, but it was difficult emotionally for me.

The second trimester by far was the best. I felt generally good and happy. My body was adjusting well to pregnancy and I was grateful for each day where I was able to get out of bed happy and feeling well rested. The day we first heard our babies heartbeat was so special. Then it became real to me that I really was growing a baby inside of me. The day we found out we were having a girl was also very special. The whole time I thought for sure that we were having a boy and when I found out it was a girl I was shocked but so happy.

The third trimester has been the hardest trimester for me physically. I get really tired way easily and have a hard time sitting through almost anything. I get major hot flashes and my heart pounds really fast and sometimes I feel like im going to faint. This was supposed to be my last semester of school but due to how I was feeling I had to withdraw from my classes. I am sad that I was not able to do school but I will be able to go back after our baby is born. I am now 37 weeks pregnant. I am very grateful that I have made it this far, there were definitely times when I thought that I was not going to make it. I know that there are still hard stuff ahead of me, but I am also so grateful for this chance to become a mother. I love my little baby so much and cant wait to meet her. I know that the day she comes will be the best day of my life next to marrying Tyson.
She is so cute. We love seeing her in ultrasounds, but are so excited to see what she really looks like. So here we are at the end of this pregnancy journey, with all of our baby stuff set up ready to welcome little Amelia home. At this time I feel anxious and scared and excited to meet my little baby and hold her. I guess its just a waiting game from here on out. Who knows what day Amelia will choose as her birthday.